Welcome to Oracle Station!

We are a medium RP Space Station 13 server running our own fork of the /tg/station code. We are aiming to find a balance between the standard goofy gameplay of Space Station 13 while also providing fun opportunities for those who enjoy more roleplay-oriented gameplay.

  • Our brig system has been reworked. What used to be 'permabrig' has been reworked into 'genpop', where every convict is issued an ID with a set amount of time on them. When the ID expires, they can walk out through the turnstiles.
  • An in-depth medical system ported from Baystation 12.
  • Movement speed more in line with Colonial Marines, allowing for more strategic play.

The Oracle codebase is developed the community and maintained by a small group of SS13 developers. A delicious blend of roleplay, action, and standard SS13 silliness, Oracle Station is a station sure to please.